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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Looking forward to 2010

It looks like 2010 will be another great year. Some of the plans we have already  are as follows:

1) Chris May be off to work in Alaska in Feb. Should know any day.
2) Mexican Riviera cruise in March. Good way to spend a b-day
3) Chris will be working in Alaska at Hallo Bay Bear Camp as the office manager from May-Sept    It is an awesome place. You need to expiernce it to see how speical it is.
4) I get to go to Homer Alaska and Hallo bay in July. 
5) I hope to get a little more camping in this summer.
6) Mediterranean Cruise with a stop in Eygpt in Nov.  Depending on how much time we spend in   europe, I  may not be able to go to Hawaii this year.
7) Who knows what other adventures await!!!!!

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