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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Stinkin' Crane

It is bad enough that I had to cover the ponds with nets, but now even my water enjoyment is ruined. I figured since it it kinda warm and there is not cold wind off lake Ontario I will try an float in the pool with a lemon aid for a while. I get changed, get the tube out of the basement, sun glasses out of the car and make some lemon aid and fill a large glass. Emma is even a bit excited to see me heading toward the pool. I start to take off the solar cover, and think hmmm the water on top of it has a slight odor. As I take the cover off the stench gets worse. I guess the crane picked up a fish that was too large for it to swallow or it dropped it into the pool. Roasting and rotting under the solar cover was a nine inch fancy tail gold fish. I got it out of the pool and out front but not bagged yet. The water smells like a fish kill on the lake. Time to super shock the water for a few days. Allie must like the fish smell because she must have rolled in the dripping. So much for a swim any time soon. I think I better add some grey goose vodka to my lemon aid!!!!!

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