As you read from the earlier posts the day started with very bad weather conditions. Before entering the port this am the winds were a bit over 60 MPH and it was raining like hell. The ship was listing to the side because of the constant wind. Once the wind subsided we were able to get into the port.
We had booked a shore excursion today to take us to the white villages of Spain. We went to a mountain village called Vejer a la frontiera. Even though most of the time we spent there was in the rain it was spectacular. The white washed building with incredible tile work were really something to see. The sun came out for the afternoon and we traveled though a national park down to the coast. We saw the light house in the area where the battle of Tralfagador took place. We then traveled to a coastal white village. We had free time to have lunch. Being Sunday many things were closed. We searched for a place to have lunch, but everything was filled. We went into one restaurant, looked at the menu and left. It was much too expensive for lunch. Chris just had to eat so he had by a candy bar and soda.
Once we got back on the ship we had a very light late lunch (500pm) we then went up to the spa for a while. For diner we went to Magenta. We started off with marinated muscles, Cesar salad, Veal picata and we split a roast long island duck.
The show tonight was this wonderful violinist Izabella Zebrowski. She played both the electric and acoustic violin. I really enjoyed the show, I am not so sure about Chris.
Tomorrow is the port of Malaga. This was my favorite port last year. I hope the weather holds.
I hope we make it home next week. We both have a slight sore throat…. Swine flu?????????
Leaving Cadiz
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