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Monday, May 5, 2008


Well me have made it to Paris safely. However at a great cost. To make a long story short. I paid to have an extra suit case when I booked my tickets on line. What I did not understand, because it is writen poorly is that, you can have and extra suit case(for a fee) But it does not allow you to bring extra weight????? Then why did I pay this? So our third suit case cost about 283 US Dollars to bring with us. 1oo.oo more than our tickets. In hind sight I should have rearranged my luggage and throw clothes out. I would have been cheaper.

Once in Pais we some how bypassed customs. Dont know how but we just walked and claimed out luggage. We took the Roisey bus to the Opera and then a cab to the apartment. The hallway was SCARY. like hotel carter Scary. But the flat is self is nice and clean.

We walked around the Garden du tuileries, chris had ice cream. Stopped at a market to buy an eclair and some breakfast/lunch supplies.

Dinner was at a nice little cafe. Food is VERY expensive here a coke is 4.50€ so 7.50 US dollars. Water is about 50 cents less. WE will be eating in a lot here.

Ok it is Monday morning and we need to get moving to head out.

Oh yeah and the first 2 days of picture took like 40 sec to updload on the web site. you can now enlarge them if you like

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