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Saturday, April 26, 2008

DAY 7 feel free to what ever......

Time is flying by way to fast!!!! Today is another relaxing day at sea. We did not wake up until Julie the cruise director, yes Julie, just like the Love boat made the 11am announcement for BABABA Bingo.
We had some coffee on the balcony and watched the sea go by. About 1200 we went up to have lunch. Just as we finished we had some people join us and we chatted until after too on the AFT deck.
Back to the room for a quick change and headed for the pool deck. Sat in the sun for about an hour. Chris had to try out the water slide.
We then went to the spa and relaxed for almost 2 hours.
From the spa we were able to see a few pods of dolphins coming up to the ship and then riding in its wake.
It is about 6:45 here 1:45 in NY. We have now sailed 2926 and 258 miles until we reach Lisbon. Seas have been very calm today.
I am off now to our nightly cocktail with friends then dinner.
Dinner was at Tapas restauant nothing special tonight. Service was kind of slow but we had good company and conversation.
We then went to the 70’s review show. It was kind of fun. The best part was the dramatization of the popular 70’s tv show themes. Like the Brady bunch all in the family etc The 4 of us sat in one of the opera boxes on the side the theater.
Then of course off for ice cream. We made a stop at Bliss night club. And then off to bed. We are now sailing into Lisbon this am.

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