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Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Years Eve Approaching

Woke up this am with a bit of a cold. Just what I need now. I am planning on finishing scanning some the negatives today from the TN trip. Should have them online in a few days.

Need to get the rest of the New years eve stuff done today. Bit of a scalled down version this year.

Look for a newly designed web Page Soon.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Scanning pictures

Tonight I tried to start scanning some old 35 mm negatives. Boy is the digital age much better. Scanner is having some mechanical problems as well as some windows compatibility issues.
Once I finally got it working, it was disappointing to see how the negatives have started to deteriorate. Color is fading, and there are scratches etc on them. Some have never been out of the sleeve and there are still defects. I got about 3 rolls scanned before the scanner stopped. I think I will give up for tonight on it.
I had to listen to dominic the donkey before I signed off however. That will pick any one up

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Day Animal pics

Under the favorite pics link (on the left side of the page) There are some new pictures of Allie and Emma. Some may enjoy the link above to Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Dinner

The Christmas eve dinner was delicious!!!! All the prep time was worth the work and wait. Our travel buddie could not make it because she is sick. Do to some fast action of someones part our Jewish friends could not make it.

SO I will have to cut this short.

roassted red pepper humus
Crab dip

citrus crusted skewered Mahi Mahi
stuffed clams casino
salmon with light cream dill sauce.
Mussels fria diabalo
Stuffed calamari with red sauce
seafood scampi (lobster scallops shrimp)

chocolate bunt cake

Christmas eve preperations

Well the prep for Xmas eve started on Sunday. It was time to start making the stuffed calamari. They are yummy but a pain in the butt to make. Dad made the sauce so that is a big help. Here are a few pics of the calamari process.

After stuffing them the ends have to be sewed together. They are then lightly fried and placed in the sauce to cook. I will post more on the complete menue later

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Winter wonder land

Just in case the last test post did not work here it is again in another format. Dec 16 2007 snow storm, Added a bit of christmas spirit to the Front of the house.


Some winter weather posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Winter weather update

Sunday Night we did get some snow. The winds picked up in the evening and the lake snows off of Ontario started up. I guess all totaled we got about 20 inches in my area.

I did add a few new pics of Allie and Emma under the my favorite pics links.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Big snow storm?

Well the roads may not be great because of the snow, but where the hell is this big storm or blizzard? Very disappointing. the snow did not even interfere with opening the gate. I guess we will see what the evening will bring.
Hope to get some new picture updates posted soon.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Time goes By

Well Christmas is fast approaching. We don't even have all the decorating done yet. It is going very slow. There is a slight problem with the Allie and Josie relationship. It started a few days ago, Josie started stalking and attaching Allie. She will attack for no reason. She beats the hell out of the puppy. So we can not leave Allie alone for a second. I think we are going to have to get a water spray bottle to spray the cat when she is after Allie. I hope to get some Christmas pictures of the girls once the house is done.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

new picture

New picture of emma and allie under the favorite picture section. Pardon the mess from all the fake snow on the ground, finally getting the Christmas tree up.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Allie and Emma

Allie has been with us now for 3 weeks. She is turning out to be a smart and pretty well behaved puppy. Emma and she are getting along very well. Allie can almost do any thing she want to Emma with little protest. It is kinda comical to see then laying in front of the fire together. Yesterday Allie was between Emma's paws. Her head was as big as each paw.
House breaking is going slow. I think she knows that is bad to go in the house, because she is hiding when and where she poops. I think that because she hates it out side so much it will be a real challenge. Both dogs were kind of happy to see the snow the other day. Emma has always like to play in the snow.
Tequila and Allie love to wrestle and swat each other. Josie on the hand still hates her, but is becoming more tolerant

Monday, December 3, 2007


For those of you who dont know, Bearfoots are bear figurines created by montana artist Jeff Fleming. He has ben dong this for a number of years now. to see some of his work. We Started collecting them in 1999. Just when you think you have about all of them he comes out with a ton more. Here are a few of the christmas collection.
Speaking of christmas, the decorating is not going well at all.